Careerfort Africa
4 min readOct 5, 2020

An Elevator Pitch is not just a short, concise statement you share at Business pitch meetings; it’s a networking tool that can set you apart from the crowd, show off your key competencies, skills, position, and even strategically position you for your next opportunity. It could also be the key to getting the job you have always desired.

Usually, when people(sometimes employers during interviews) ask the question “let’s get to meet you,” they are asking indirectly for your elevator pitch. It’s a great opportunity to make a lasting impression on the people listening. It could make people pay attention to you or completely ignore you. Research has it that it takes less than 7 seconds to make a lasting first impression. It is essential to create an Impression of excellence and competence when networking or interacting with Industry colleagues. If you do not have an elevator pitch, it’s time to get one.

Here are a few key tips to help you:

1. Your Elevator Pitch should come from a place of Value.

You are a person of value. You have value to offer. Make sure your pitch comes from a place of value. Your Pitch does not have to come from your position at work. It could come from a goal you’re currently working on or an aspect of you that would get the organization’s attention or individual in question. Basically, it’s up to you. So Own it! If, for instance, you’re working in a top multinational and mentioning that as part of your pitch would get you in, by all means, go ahead. Your goal should be to get the attention of the party listening. I introduce myself a lot as a Coach helping Early Career Professionals become effective at work via @Careerfortafrica. This pitch is completely different from the others I use when introducing myself in certain circles.

2. Keep it Short and Simple — KISS

It’s called an “Elevator” Pitch because it’s meant to be as short as your trip from using the elevator. Avoid “industry jargon” and “professor like” grammar. People should be able to engage you with at least 1 thing you say from your pitch, not looking lost wondering what you actually mean or asking many questions to clarify your points after you have introduced yourself.

3. Practice

When you finally settle for one, there is absolutely no harm in creating and imagining scenarios and preparing for them. Stand in front of the mirror, use your rearview mirror while stuck in traffic, or use a phone to record and listen to yourself to know how well you are doing. Thanks to technology! It may take some time to get the one that fits and suits you finally. There is absolutely no harm in switching things up till you finally settle for one. In the course of my career, I have done that over and over. We are humans, and it’s only normal for us to change and constantly make adjustments and changes as we deem fit. So breathe if you’re still on the journey to making one that suits you

4. Plan for both speaking and writing scenarios

Saying your speech and writing are two completely different things. Speaking doesn’t allow you so much time, so it’s best to practice and get something concise that communicates your value. Writing, on the other hand, may give you a bit more flexibility. Don’t forget to use power words to describe what you do or your key competencies. Either way, never hesitate to highlight your key areas of strength.

Lastly, don’t be mechanical. The world is looking for authentic people with real stories. You’ll be shocked at how people can connect with you and your experiences. Also, be prepared. Stay on guard and be ready to introduce yourself at any time. You never know when you would meet someone that could be the key to unlock your next level.

Wishing you the best as you sail through your career. Do not hesitate to reach out to Careerfort or me for support.

Written by Morolake Ojuola for Careerfort Africa, The one-stop platform that helps Early Career Professionals become effective at work. We help you move from school to Work with ease.

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Careerfort Africa

The one-stop platform that helps Early Career Professionals become effective at work. We help you move from school to the Work Environment with Ease